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Re: [hylafax-users] Cypheus - user access to the System's Settings


> Cypheus client for Hylafax has a login screen where you can enter
> faxserver,username, password, etc.
> If I DO NOT specify the user name I CAN modify Cypheus settings
> Default and System's)
> If I log in using user name, than I CAN'T modify System's
> Only Default settings are available.
> Why the logged used CAN'T access System Settings? That is
> very strange to me.

Cypheus checks user name entered at logon dialog against users
stored in the MySQL table "Cypheus_User". Please add a user
"default" (without quotes) and set the values according to your
needs. Then each user who doesn't enter name/password will be
recognized as "default" user.

Best Regards

Bodo Noering Consulting
Zur Alten Faehre 23 . D-45219 Essen
Phone +49-2054-971790 . Fax +49-2054-971791
bn@urania.com . http://www.urania.com

Highend Fax: HylaFAXR (www.hylafax.org)
and Cypheus (www.cypheus.de)

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