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[hylafax-users] GNU Ghostscript

I'm running Red Hat 7.0 and an Old version of Hylafax, with a Sambafax
setup. (Which has been running fine with my NT4 clients using Office 97.)
We recently upgraded to Win2k and Office 2000. Below is the error report I
get when sending a fax through Word.
Anybody have an idea?

Your facsimile job to 2 was not sent because document conversion
to facsimile failed.  The output from the converter program was:

%%[ ProductName: GNU Ghostscript ]%%
/bin/cat: write error: Broken pipe
bin/ps2fax: line 123: 26889 Done(1)                 $CAT $fil
     26890 Segmentation fault      | $PS -q -sDEVICE=$device -dNOPAUSE
-dSAFER=true -sPAPERSIZE=$paper -dFIXEDMEDIA -r204x$vres "-sOutputFile=$out"

Check any PostScript documents for non-standard fonts and invalid

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: 2
         JobID: 527
       GroupID: 527
        Sender: aestrada
      Mailaddr: aestrada@hylafax
Submitted From: hylafax
    Page Width: 209 (mm)
   Page Length: 296 (mm)
    Resolution: 196 (lpi)
        Status: %%[ ProductName: GNU Ghostscript ]%%
/bin/cat: write error: Broken pipe
bin/ps2fax: line 123: 26889 Done(1)                 $CAT $fil
     26890 Segmentation fault      | $PS -q -sDEVICE=$device -dNOPAUSE
-dSAFER=true -sPAPERSIZE=$paper -dFIXEDMEDIA -r204x$vres "-sOutputFile=$out"

       Dialogs: 0 (exchanges with remote device)
         Dials: 0 (consecutive failed calls to destination)
         Calls: 0 (total phone calls placed)
         Pages: 0 (pages transmitted)
      TotPages: 0 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

The following documents were submitted for transmission and are
available on the server for reuse until they are automatically
purged when this job is removed.  Documents may also be manually
removed using the faxrm command; consult faxrm(1) for information.

Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc585.ps.527      76013 PostScript

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