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Re: [hylafax-users] security against tresspassing

On 2002.12.01 07:04 Harry M. Aasterud wrote:

> I'm using Hylafax for a
> straight
> forwarded email-form to fax solution. It works fine with the script we
> are
> running. The mailserver conf file knows that mail beeing send with a
> certain
> extention needs to be send to the fax.

a.k.a. sendmail mangling... okay, I'm following...

> The fax has a batch file

MS-DOS?  You probably mean "script".  I'm guessing something like 

> that
> cleans
> up/converts the mail address to a faxnumber, and the form is cleaned
> up so
> only the requested lines are shown (iow, cleaning up the envelope).
> But
> there is no user control.

As usual with mail-to-fax applications.

> Is there an easy way to to this?

Well, if you want to limit the interface to mail-only, then you need to 
develop a way to do "faxstat-by-mail" and "faxalter-by-mail", etc.  
This could get to be a pain, but it's the limit you have imposed by 
limiting to mail-only interfacing.  If you can provide web-interfacing, 
then that would be a way to provide access.


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