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Re: [hylafax-users] Appendix to my earlier mail...

Hello, Giulio,

and THANKS for answering my emergency cry...

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Giulio Orsero wrote:
| On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 18:53:56 +0100 (CET), Rainer Hantsch
| <rainer@hantsch.co.at> wrote:
| >o  I can receive FAXes without any problem.
| >o  When I try to send a FAX to one of my old HylaFAX servers (Hylafax which
| >   came with SuSE 5.2, running on SuSE 5.2), I loose roughly 2cm of the page
| >   in small stripes, the rest if clearely visible.
| >o  When I try the same with my CANON FAX machine as target, I loose nearely
| >   50% of the page. The remaining image stripes have a height of roughly 1cm
| >   and are clearely visible.

| Do you use the same config files or new ones?

I inserted below my configuration files for your reference. The file named
'config.ttyQ1a1' is my old server's config file. The server has an intelligent
Equinox 4xSerial-Port card inside, therefore this unusual device name. But
this config file also works smoothly with other servers on ttyS1 after

First, I did a default 'faxaddmodem' and entered the parameters as described
in the SuSE 7.0 handbook. With this settings, I had the above problems. You
can see the configuration below in file config.ttyS1.

Then I copied without any change the .../etc/config.ttyQ1a1 file from my
working HylaFax server and named it config.ttyS1. -> Again same problem.
You see the configuration file below.

LogFacility:		daemon
CountryCode:		43
AreaCode:		1
LongDistancePrefix:	0
InternationalPrefix:	00
DialStringRules:	etc/dialrules.europe
ServerTracing:		527
ContCoverPage:		etc/cover.templ
MaxSendPages:		30
ModemGroup:		"any:.*"
PostScriptTimeout:	3600
SessionTracing:		527

--<.../etc/config.ttyS1 -- generated by faxaddmodem>-------------------
# Generic Class 1 modem configuration.
CountryCode:		43
AreaCode:		1
FAXNumber:		+43.1.798853818
LongDistancePrefix:	0
InternationalPrefix:	00
DialStringRules:	etc/dialrules.europe
ServerTracing:		527
SessionTracing:		527
RecvFileMode:		0644
LogFileMode:		0600
DeviceMode:		0666
RingsBeforeAnswer:	4
SpeakerVolume:		low
GettyArgs:		"-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:	"Ing. Rainer Hantsch"
TagLineFont:		etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:		"From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages:		90
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:		Class1		# use this to supply a hint
#ModemRate:		19200		# rate for DCE-DTE communication
#ModemFlowControl:	xonxoff		# XON/XOFF flow control assumed
#ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D2		# setup so DTR drop resets modem
#ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C1		# setup so DCD follows carrier
#GettyArgs:		"-h %l dx_%s"	# modem must auto-detect fax/data
#ModemDialCmd:		ATDT%s@		# T for tone dialing, @ for silence
#ModemResetCmds:		""		# stuff to do when modem is reset
#ModemAnswerCmd:		ATA		# use this to answer phone
#ModemNoFlowCmd:		AT&K		# disable flow control cmd
#ModemHardFlowCmd:	AT&K3		# hardware flow control cmd
#ModemSoftFlowCmd:	AT&K4		# software flow control cmd
#ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:	ATS0=0		# disable auto-answer
# Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
# Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
#ModemSetVolumeCmd:	"ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
#ModemEchoOffCmd:	ATE0		# disable command echo
#ModemVerboseResultsCmd:	ATV1		# enable verbose command results
#ModemResultCodesCmd:	ATQ0		# enable result codes
#ModemOnHookCmd:		ATH0		# place phone on hook (hangup)
#ModemSoftResetCmd:	ATZ		# do soft reset of modem
#ModemWaitTimeCmd:	ATS7=60		# wait 60 seconds for carrier
#ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd:	ATS8=2		# comma pause time is 2 seconds
#ModemRecvFillOrder:	LSB2MSB		# bit order of received facsimile
#ModemSendFillOrder:	LSB2MSB		# bit order modem expects for transmit
Class1Cmd:		AT+FCLASS=1	# command to enter class 1
Class1TCFResponseDelay:	75		# 75ms delay between recv TCF & response
Class1SendPPMDelay:	75		# 75ms delay before sending PPM
Class1SendTCFDelay:	75		# 75ms delay between sending DCS & TCF
Class1SwitchingDelay:	150		# 150ms delay in switching transmission direction
Class1TrainingRecovery:	1500		# 1.5sec delay after training failure
Class1RecvAbortOK:	200		# wait 200ms for abort response
Class1FrameOverhead:	4		# 4 byte overhead in recvd HDLC frames
Class1RecvIdentTimer:	40000		# 35+5secs waiting for ident frames
Class1TCFMaxNonZero:	10		# max 10% of data may be non-zero
Class1TCFMinRun:	1000		# min run is 2/3rds of TCF duration

--<.../etc/config.ttyQ1a1 -- config of my working server>------------------
--< This configuration file works perfectly on my server since 2 years!>---
CountryCode:		43
AreaCode:		1
FAXNumber:		+43.1.798853818
LongDistancePrefix:	0
InternationalPrefix:	00
DialStringRules:	"etc/dialrules.europe"
ServerTracing:		527
SessionTracing:		527
RecvFileMode:		0644
LogFileMode:		0600
DeviceMode:		0666
RingsBeforeAnswer:	1
SpeakerVolume:		off
GettyArgs:		"-h %l dx_%s"
#GettyArgs:              "-r -b -s %s %l"
LocalIdentifier:	"Ing. Rainer HANTSCH (+43-1-7988538-18)"
TagLineFont:		etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:		"··· From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages:		99
PercentGoodLines:       75
MaxBadCalls:		10
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:		Class1		# hint to override class 2
ModemRate:		19200		# locked for fax sending
ModemFlowControl:	xonxoff		# default
ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D2		# DTR off causes modem to hangup
ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C0		# DCD always on
ModemMfrQueryCmd:	!Nuvo
ModemModelQueryCmd:	!9624PFX
ModemRevQueryCmd:	ATI3
ModemDialCmd:		ATX1M1+FCLASS=1DT0,%s
ModemAnswerCmd:         ATM0A
# Habe ich am 11.9.2001 angehängt, weil sich Modem aufgehängt hat...
ModemSoftResetCmd:	AT&F
ModemResetCmds:		AT&F

| Have you checked flow control settings?
This was the first I thought, too, so i played with the settings here.
The original config file (which I tried first) was configured using 'default'
flow control. But the config file from my working server uses explicitly
'xonxoff'. - Both configurations do not work and cause identical errors.


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

      \\|//           Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software
      (o o)           Forget Windoze! -- We focus on L-I-N-U-X...
Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  |  e-Mail: office@hantsch.co.at
Khunngasse 21/20     |  www   : http://www.hantsch.co.at
A-1030 Vienna        |  Tel.  : ++43 - 1 - 7988538 0
---------------------|  Fax   : ++43 - 1 - 7988538 18
** AUSTRIA **        |  Mobile: ++43 - 664 - 9194382

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