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[hylafax-users] * Re: faxnumber in status-window breaks privacy

Sascha wrote:
> look at the dialrules config file (man dialrules). You should be able to
> cut the prefix away with the DisplayNumber Section


Thank you so far. I tried out many options and added the section as follows:

>>> DisplayNumber := [
>>> 99.*                    = PRIVAT                ! strip calling card
>>> ]

99 is our prefix for private calls.

dialtest works fine with this file, 99121212 is translated in "PRIVAT".

But, faxstat already shows the full number.

So I set "ServerTracing: 65536", for watching the use of dialrules.
In syslog i got:

HylaFAX[26688]: Filesystem has SysV-style file creation semantics.
FaxQueuer[26502]: SUBMIT JOB 47
FaxSend[26699]: Define AreaCode = "521"
FaxSend[26699]: Define CountryCode = "49"
FaxSend[26699]: Define LongDistancePrefix = "1"
FaxSend[26699]: Define InternationalPrefix = "011"
FaxSend[26699]: Define Area = "521"
FaxSend[26699]: Define Country = "49"
FaxSend[26699]: Define IDPrefix = "011"
FaxSend[26699]: Define LDPrefix = "1"
FaxSend[26699]: Define WS = " ^I"
FaxSend[26699]: DisplayNumber := [
FaxSend[26699]:   "99.*" = "PRIVAT"
FaxSend[26699]: ]
FaxSend[26699]: CanonicalNumber := [
FaxSend[26699]:   "#.*" = ""
FaxSend[26699]:   "[abcABC]" = "2"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[defDEF]" = "3"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[ghiGHI]" = "4"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[jklJKL]" = "5"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[mnoMNO]" = "6"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[prsPRS]" = "7"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[tuvTUV]" = "8"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[wxyWXY]" = "9"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[^+0-9]+" = ""
FaxSend[26699]: ]
FaxSend[26699]: DialString := [
FaxSend[26699]:   "[- ^I.]+" = ""
FaxSend[26699]:   "[abcABC]" = "2"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[defDEF]" = "3"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[ghiGHI]" = "4"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[jklJKL]" = "5"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[mnoMNO]" = "6"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[prsPRS]" = "7"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[tuvTUV]" = "8"
FaxSend[26699]:   "[wxyWXY]" = "9"
FaxSend[26699]:   "^[+]49" = "1"
FaxSend[26699]:   "^[+]" = "011"
FaxSend[26699]: ]
FaxSend[26699]: Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "9912312"
FaxSend[26699]: --> return result "9912312"
FaxSend[26699]: Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "9912312"
FaxSend[26699]: --> return result "9912312"
FaxSend[26699]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1
FaxSend[26699]: SEND FAX: JOB 47 DEST 9912312 COMMID 00000009
FaxSend[26699]: DEVICE '/dev/ttyS1'
FaxSend[26699]: SEND FAILED: JOB 47 DEST 9912312 ERR No carrier detected
FaxQueuer[26502]: KILL JOB 47

What is going wrong?

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