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Re: [hylafax-users] Compiling Hylafax 4.1.3 in jaguar (OSX v.10.2)

Dr, Guillemain Geraud wrote:

> Dear Guy,
> Have you been trying to compile hylafax.
> in configure I get :
> Missing C++ runtime support for g++ (/usr/bin/g++). 

Do you have a recent version of GCC with G++ support installed?
try typing "whereis g++"
it should return
g++: (Path) (Path of manpage)
if you don't have it installed it will return

if it is installed
ln -s (Path) /usr/bin/g++
Otherwise, well, Install it
either get a package from apple, or I think fink has something (not sure)
Good luck
Shachar Goldin

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