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Re: [hylafax-users] Sv: FaxClient f�r Windows

    I have used cypheus (http://www.cypheus.de/), it has really a lot of functions. I have connected his address book to our mysql database, there is a cover pages creator, yuo can forward fax on e-mail etc.etc.
The personal use is free but the licence costs only 30$.
----- Original Message -----
From: Oluf Steensen
To: Werner Zettler ; hylafax-devel@hylafax.org ; hylafax-user@hylafax.org
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: [hylafax-users] Sv: FaxClient f�r Windows

WHFC works ok (in the whole). Easy to install and esa to use. - And is alive!
Get it from http://transcom.de/whfc
mvh Oluf Steensen
----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: Werner Zettler
Til: hylafax-devel@hylafax.org ; hylafax-user@hylafax.org
Sendt: 30. august 2002 08:11
Emne: [hylafax-users] FaxClient f�r Windows

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir sind auf der Suche nach einem FaxClienten f�r Hylafax unter Windows.
K�nnen Sie mir bitte mitteilen, welche Clienten es hierf�r gibt ?

Mit freundlichen Gr��en

Werner Zettler

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