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[hylafax-users] problems with the faxrcvd? or am I toooo stupid ;-)


I've configured hylafax 4.1.2 to recieve faxes on different tty's. Now i
want to route recieved faxes depending on which tty the're comming in. I
wrote a /var/spool/fax/etc/FaxDispatch script which looks like this:
--------8< snip-----

export FILETYPE=pdf

case "$DEVICE" in

ttyI2)  export SENDTO=me@here.de;;
*)      export SENDTO=someone.other@there.de;;

--------8< snap-------

the permissions of this file are:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 uucp     uucp          165 May 28 10:52

but it doesn't work :-/. In Syslog I've found the following error (which I
don't understand) for every incoming fax:

-----8< snip------
May 28 11:39:51 zentralrouter FaxGetty[2009]: Bad exit status 0400 for
"bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax00005.tif" "ttyI2" "00000005" """
-----8< snap------

now two questions:
first: does anyone have an idea what the problem is?
second: do I have to activate the FaxDispatch shellscript I wrote? Or will
the faxrcvd look for this file every time? 
third *g*: where can I look for the errorcodes of faxrcvd?

tnx a lot 

Greetings, Carsten Beutenmüller

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