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Re: [hylafax-users] 2 Modems: Modems are running, distribution needed

On 2002.05.02 03:57 Henning Hülsebusch wrote:
> Hi again,
> sry for my last posting, I looked into "faxstat" and now I know, that I
> have
> to wait about 10 seconds for initializing the modem... now, both modems
> are
> answering...

Turn ServerTracing to 0xFFF, restart faxgetty and check your server log.

There is normally a mandatory 3 second wait after ATZ and a 3 second wait 
at DTR drop, so initializing modems won't ever get faster than 6 seconds 
unless you alter those delays.

> So, now back to my root-problem.
> What have I to do, that the modem on ttyS0 sends faxes to
> user1@domain.tld,
> and that ttyS1 sends faxes to user2@domain.tld ?
> This my my Dispatch now.
> SENDTO=henning@router.intern.huelsebusch.net;

if $DEVICE=ttyS0; then SENDTO=user1@domain.tld; fi
if $DEIVCE=ttyS1; then SENDTO=user2@domain.tld; fi


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