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[hylafax-users] failed fax gets passed anyway?

If a fax fails the quality test should it be passed to bin/faxrcvd anyway? 
We have a modified bin/faxrcvd that passes the path and pages of a fax to a 
program fax2db. Quite often the custom error message:

There was an error in processing an incoming fax into the system (fax2db).
The fax has either not been entered into the system or entered incorrectly.
This occurred on fax server n2 at Wed Mar 27 14:21:58 MST 2002.

The error message supplied was:
Usage: fax2db fax-filename fax-pages

Command line was:
fax2db recvq/fax00782.tif

Do not reply to this message.

The program is being called via bin/faxrcvd:


TOTAL_PAGES=`$FAXINFO $FILE | grep Pages | awk '{print $2}'`

/bin/date '+%D %T'                                 >> $LOGFILE
$SUBMIT $FILE $TOTAL_PAGES                         >> $LOGFILE
exit $?

Any information would be appreciated!

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <dpuryear@usa.net>
Information Systems Contractor
PGP Key available at http://www.us.pgp.net
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