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Re: [hylafax-users] Multiple modem setup.

On 2002.03.05 08:37 Sid Lambert wrote:
> This option seems to set one modem so that it won't be dialed out on, if
> this is correct it only helps me with half of my problem. It may be a
> good
> start but I need to be able to send out on both modems. I need for the
> mass
> fax list to use a modem by itself and the other modem work as a standard
> outgoing and incoming fax.
> It may be that I need to use 2 different programs for this. Just have
> Hylfax
> use one modem like it is now and then have mgetty+sendfax use the second
> modem for the mass fax list. I would like to stay with just Hylafax
> though.

Ugh... you'll have a difficult time getting HylaFAX and mgetty+sendfax to 
play together although it can be done.

You're making this tougher than it needs to be.

The easiest way to do this is to set the bulk-faxing modem with a 
lower-priority ModemPriority and RingsBeforeAnswer=0.  Then when you 
submit your bulk faxes you must specify the modem being used like this:

sendfax -n -h ttyS0@localhost -d some_number my_file.ps

That way all normal faxes will go out from the other modem unless it is 
busy - when the bulk-faxing modem may get used instead for normal outgoing 
faxes.  And, the bulk-faxing modem will not answer any RINGs.

If you want to prohibit normal faxes from going out on your bulk-fax modem 
then you need to redefine ModemGroup "any" to not include it.


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