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Re: [hylafax-users] ./configure and sed weirdness -- Help?!

Problem solved, thanks to Daniel Robbins of Gentoo Linux.  There's
a minor "bug" in the Hylafax configure script.

Gentoo Linux uses sed-3.02.80, which has some additional features.
The configure script works fine if the makeDefs() function has
"unset POSIXLY_CORRECT" before the sed line and 
"export POSIXLY_CORRECT=1" afterwards.  Hopefully this change
will make it into the next addition of Hylafax.  I did a bit of
checking, and although RH and Mandrake are still using sed-3.02,
Connectiva Linux is using the newer 3.02.80, so this problem is
likely to come up again.

Grant Goodyear
|     Grant Goodyear                  |  The Secrets of Physics:   |
|     Dept. of Chemistry - Clemson U  |1. Add zero.                |
|     Clemson, SC  29634              |2. Multiply by one.         |
|-------------------------------------|3. Expand in a Taylor series|
|e-mail: goodyea@clemson.edu          |4. Integrate by parts.      |
|www:http://g2.ces.clemson.edu/~grant |5. Fourier transform.       |
|                                     |6. Add auxiliary variables  |

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