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Re: [hylafax-users] [hylafax-announce] **ANNOUNCE** hylafax-4.1.1 released

Allow me to expound upon three items in 4.1.1 vs earlier versions which 
was not appropriate in the README file.

On 2002.02.24 21:48 Darren Nickerson wrote:
> * added Class1EOPWaitCmd, Class1PPMWaitCmd, and Class1TCFWaitCmd in lieu
>   of Class1Send*Delay options which causes Class 1 modems to use +FTS
>   instead of software pauses in these instances.

After upgrading, your modem will be sent +FTS commands instead of HylaFAX 
performing a software delay at three key timing moments during Class 1 
sending.  This has corrected a situation which was developed ages ago 
because of a general misconception regarding the capacity for UNIX systems 
to support the realtime demands of the Class 1 protocol and a general 
misunderstanding of the behavior of +FTS.  This change should correct some 
timing problems which could surface occasionally.

If your modem does not support +FTS (i.e. the Topic chipset), you should 
follow the pattern in config/topic for your modem config and use 
"<delay:7>" for your Class1*WaitCmd options.  Many modems have been 
tested, and the Topic is the only one so far with this problem.

> * The popular faxrcvd-mail scripts have been deprecated by FILETYPE use
> in
>   FaxDispatch, and unchanged, will not work with faxgetty in 4.1.1.  See
>  'man faxrcvd' for details.

If you are using the faxrcvd-mail scripts (and there are a lot of you), 
upgrading to 4.1.1 will probably break faxrcvd, faxrcvd-mail, or your 
expectations without some changes.  I recommend deleting bin/faxrcvd 
before upgrading so that the new version is surely installed.  Then, if 
you were using default faxrcvd-mail scripts, you should create a file 
etc/FaxDispatch containing this:


And the general behavior that you enjoyed will be restored.  Using 
FaxDispatch is much more powerful, especially for support and conformity 
reasons, than faxrcvd-mail.  Please note that FILETYPE can be tif, pdf, 
and ps, and as with faxrcvd-mail, metamail or some UUencoding program is 

> * HylaFAX 4.1.1 may not compile with gcc-3.0, and limited support is
>   available for Mac OS-X.

There are at least two functional HylaFAX installations on Mac OS-X 
systems that I know of.  With a couple of patches and a good deal of 
handholding you can get HylaFAX 4.1.1 installed on Mac OS-X.  If you are 
keen on OS-X and can help minimize the amount of handholding needed to 
install HylaFAX on OS-X, your help on hylafax-devel@hylafax.org would be 


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