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[hylafax-users] hylafax mails empty pdf file


I just installed hylafax - it works quite well, except for one problem:

When hylafax receives a fax, it sends a mail to me, with the fax
attached as a pdf. Problem is, the pdf file is 0 bytes in size. The .tif
files in /var/spool/fax/recvq/ are intact, though, and when I execute
the two lines in /var/spool/fax/bin/faxrcvd manually:

/usr/bin/tiff2ps -a -O fax00001.ps fax00001.tif
/usr/bin/ps2pdf fax00001.ps fax00001.pdf

tiff2ps complains: "Fax3Decode1D: Warning, fax00001.tif: Premature EOL
at scanline 1151 (got 0, expected 1728).", but I get a valid pdf file in
the end.

What could be wrong here? Maybe a permission problem?

Thanks for your help! Please, CC any answer to me, I'm not subscribed to
the list. Thanks!
	ben adler

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