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Re: [hylafax-users] Having Trouble with Hylafax

I didn't think that the init script that came with HylaFAX had a restart,
and looking at mine it does not. I just do an /etc/rc.d/init.d/hylafax stop,
and then an /etc/rc.d/init.d/hylafax start to restart my server. I imagine
it would not be heard to modify the init script to include a restart
function, but I don't think its ever been a priority.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alfons Meisl (by way of Lee Howard <faxguy@deanox.com>)"
To: <hylafax-users@hylafax.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:03 PM
Subject: [hylafax-users] Having Trouble with Hylafax

> hallo
> I need some help !
> My Hylafax - Server had many documents in the sendq, but
> didn't do anything.
> I restartet hylafax with /sbin/init.d/hylafax restart
> but nothing worked.
> I restarted the computer, then it worked.
> 1. what coud that have been ?
> 2. is there any way to solve such a problem without
>    shuting down the computer ?
> thanks in advance
> alfons
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