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Re: [hylafax-users] Clients with multiple IP addresses


jra@baylink.com ("Jay R. Ashworth") writes:

> On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 09:10:32AM -0600, Lee Howard wrote:
> > At 06:14 AM 7/25/01 -0400, Ramon F Herrera wrote:
> > >It looks to me that HylaFAX is not prepared to handle clients with
> > >multiple IP addresses (?)
> > 
> > In TCP/IP communication the client and host both have exactly *one* IP
> > address.  So go ahead and stick as many ethernet cards in the system as you
> > like, but it will only communicate with the HylaFAX server via one of them.
> > 
> > My guess would be that you've misconfigured your DNS.
> No, I don't think so, Lee.
> He has a machine with more than one interface, and therefore, more than
> one address.  He's using *names* in his hosts.hfaxd, and when HF does a
> lookup to get an address, it's coming back with the wrong one, due to
> DNS round-robin, as he suspected. 
> *My* solution would be always to use IP addresses in hosts.hfaxd.

I think, Ramon is referring to DHCP with a server set to a rather
short lease time. That is, the hostname is static while the address is
dynamicaly assigned.

Dieter Kluenter
Brute Force Imaging

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