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Re: [hylafax-users] Timeout error

At 05:26 PM 6/26/01 +0200, Claus Bendtsen wrote:

>> > I've tried using the killtime parameter (in
>> > hfaxd.conf as KillTime: "now +72 hours") without success - but as I
>Yes - I've both restarted and resubmitted the jobs - with no change in
>behaviour. This makes me believe that the killtime is not the right
>parameter. From the manual:
>Kill the job if it does not complete in the indicated time.  As for the -a
>option, the time is specifed using notation compatible with at(1).  Note
>that the time is relative to the time of the initial transmission attempt.
>The default kill time is ``now + 3 hours'' (three hours from the time the
>job is first processed).  To retry for an hour, ``now +1 hour'' could be
>So how is "initial transmission attempt" defined? I believe that my jobs
>expire before the initial transmission attempt.

It is defined as Matthias has told you it was defined.  This clarification
has been made in the 4.1rc2 documentation.


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