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Re: [hylafax-users] question about fax delevery

"61" ???... do you mean 6:1 instead?
Jim TheVoice

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Howard" <faxguy@deanox.com>
To: "Jim TheVoice" <spirit89@globetrotter.net>; <hylafax-users@hylafax.org>
Cc: "AAlain Théberge" <igprod@globetrotter.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] question about fax delevery

> At 04:05 PM 5/31/01 -0400, Jim TheVoice wrote:
> >it's because, we are sending faxes to places that receive an hight volume
> >and while the fax is waiting to the line to be free, others faxes could
> >send.
> I think your approach is bad, though, by trying to satisfy your need this
> Look into changing MaxDials and JobReqBusy and other similar things.  One
> note of caution, though: do not set any JobReq* == JobReqOther.  If you
> choose to set JobReqOther, then set it to something weird, like 61.
> Lee.

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