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[hylafax-users] newbie questions

I've known about HylaFAX for years but am just now considering using 
it, since we've had another fax server in place.

We have a prospective client that would like to have a feature on his 
web site, where a visitor visits a product page and is able to enter 
her fax number, hit the submit button, and have a program 
automatically fax the correct product info to her.

 From reading the documentation, it sounds like it should be easy to 
write a cgi that takes form input and does a system call to fire up 
sendfax to send the document to the visitor. I was surprised that 
this sort of application wasn't mentioned explicitly in the mail 

Is there some reason that this sort of application should be a problem?

Another question - is there a way to pre-save documents to be sent in 
native fax format so that ps2fax or whatever doesn't have to do a 
conversion every time someone requests a document? The set of product 
documents is small, but I expect request load to be high.


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