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Re: [hylafax-users] manualmaker for HylaFAX

At 03:20 AM 5/3/01 -0600, Lee Howard wrote:
>Following is a shell script which will aid you in generating a Postscript
>(print-ready) document containing a concatenation of all of the man pages
>from HylaFAX.
>The syntax is:
>./manualmaker [filename]

Uh... Jay just kindly taught me of the most handy 'man -t' option...

So, here's a new-and-improved version... eesh I feel so green sometimes.

(A caution, though, you may have conflicting manpages on your system - i.e.
config and info... so you may need to specify the manpath directly for them
in the script.)



# This is a script which can be used to generate a contiguous
# Postscript-manual for HylaFAX containing all of the man pages
# The layout of the HylaFAX man pages makes this a non-trivial
# matter.
# This script requires HylaFAX and mpage to be installed.

MANPAGES="choptest \
	cid \
	config \
	cqtest \
	destctrls \
	dialrules \
	dialtest \
	doneq \
	fax2ps \
	faxabort \
	faxaddmodem \
	faxadduser \
	faxalter \
	faxanswer \
	faxconfig \
	faxcover \
	faxcron \
	faxdeluser \
	faxgetty \
	faxinfo \
	faxmail \
	faxmodem \
	faxq \
	faxqclean \
	faxquit \
	faxrcvd \
	faxrm \
	faxsend \
	faxsetup \
	faxstat \
	faxstate \
	faxwatch \
	hfaxd \
	hosts.hfaxd \
	hylafax-client \
	hylafax-server \
	info \
	log \
	mkcover \
	notify \
	pagermap \
	pagesend \
	pagesizes \
	pdf2fax \
	pollrcvd \
	ps2fax \
	recvq \
	recvstats \
	sendfax \
	sendpage \
	sendq \
	sgi2fax \
	shutdown \
	status \
	tagtest \
	textfmt \
	tiff2fax \
	tiffcheck \
	tsi \
	tsitest \
	typerules \
	wedged \
	xferfaxlog \

rm -rf manualmaker.tmp
mkdir manualmaker.tmp

for manpage in $MANPAGES; do
	man -t $manpage > manualmaker.tmp/$manpage.ps

if [ -n "$1" ]; then
	mpage -o -P- -1 -c manualmaker.tmp/*.ps > $1
	mpage -o -P- -1 -c manualmaker.tmp/*.ps -

rm -rf manualmaker.tmp

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