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Re: [hylafax-users] killall on Compaq tru64 unix

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 rob.leadbeater@lynx.co.uk wrote:

> Hi,
> Just thought I'd warn everyone about a not so nice feature of Hylafax when running on Compaq Tru64 Unix (aka dec-osf)

Is killall in /sbin on Tru64 UNIX?
If not, it will use the shell function.

> The init script for Hylafax uses the command killall, to shutdown all Hylafax processes.
> As I just discovered to my horror, killall on Tru64 does something rather different to what it does on other unixes...
> Taken from the Tru64 man page:
> killall(8)                                                         killall(8)
>   killall - Terminates all processes started by the user, except the calling
>   process
> Compare this with the Linux version, and you'll see why issuing a init.d/hylafax stop when root tends to annoy a few hundred people !!

On Linux, killall is in /usr/bin so the shell function in the hylafax 
start/stop script is used.

> KILLALL(1)                User Commands                KILLALL(1)
>        killall - kill processes by name

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 887-1469

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