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Re: [hylafax-users] Storing sent faxes

At 02:37 PM 3/28/01 -0500, WJ McEachran wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 11:41:24AM -0700, Lee Howard wrote:
>> http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96
>That's it exactly ... you've experienced the problem already. In summary, 
>the program is currently broken with respect to archiving sent faxes.
>Ideas for work-a-rounds?

Well, it doesn't seem that complex of an issue to simply write the
archiving routing here... if you know how to program C++  (which I don't,
so this is in english...)

-=-=-=-= faxQCleanApp.c++, line 238 -=-=-=-=-
 * Archive completed fax job.
faxQCleanApp::archiveJob(const FaxRequest&)  
	move the doneq/q* file, the docq/ cover and tiff to the archive directory
	based on the FaxCoverArchiving and FaxArchivingMethod options...
	(or whatever options you feel like creating)

and then you'd need to stop letting HylaFAX delete the coverpage before
faxqclean is run.  (Why does it do that anyway?).  My suggestion would be
to make hyla.conf options that describe the style of archiving:

FaxCoverArchiving:	nocover
FaxCoverArchiving:	withcover
FaxCoverArchiving:	onlycover

FaxArchivingMethod:	tar
FaxArchivingMethod:	targz
FaxArchivingMethod:	none

with the default value being 'nocover' and 'none'.  It would be really nice
if DestControls utilized this feature, too, so that archiving was
customizable on a per-destination basis.

The biggest trick to all of this will be getting your client and 'sendfax'
to send the 'JPARM DONEOP archive' command (if that's correct) by a
command-line switch.

So what's the easiest workaround that I can think of?  Run a bash script to
do the archiving just before faxqclean is run each time.


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