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Re: [hylafax-users] Fax Extension Numbers

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 01:05:19PM -0700, Lee Howard wrote:
> At 12:30 PM 2/14/01 -0500, Christopher A. Seward Sr. wrote:
> >If a fax sender dials our faxserver with the number 1-800-555-1212-1111,
> >where "1111" is the recipient's extension, what does Hylafax do with
> >those extra 4 digits?  Certain modems will pass this info through
> >(Zyxel, Rockwell, etc.).  Can Hylafax use this (with a list to match
> >these extension digits to respective email addresses) to route faxes
> >directly to recipients' mail boxes?
> HylaFAX isn't programmed to pass along the number dialed, I don't believe.
> And for as many people who have wanted DID or something like this, I'd bet
> that someone would really love it if it got done.

Lee was paying attention, I wasn't.  You did say "incoming".

No, there is currently no way to do DID fax with HylaFAX.

I'll go check my archive; someone popped up with a multiport modem last
year who was talking about making sure it could do that in a fashion
HylaFAX could handle, but they never got back to me.

- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 804 5015

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