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Re: [hylafax-users] Huge Problem

Giulio Orsero <giulioo@pobox.com> writes:

> On 25 Jan 2001 10:27:36 +0100, you wrote:
> >> then edit /your_path/hyla.conf  and add something like
> >> KillTime:    "now +24 hours"
> >~/.hylarc, as recommended in man sendfax didn'd work. If you have a
> >look at the source code, you will realise why that would not work.  Only sendfax -k
> >changes killtime for a single job. 
> >After all I changed the settings in the source code and recompiled
> >it. That works fine now.
> Can you check if you see the same behavior:
> # cat /usr/share/fax/hyla.conf
> KillTime:    "now +72 hours"
> JobFmt:      "%-4j %Y %1a %6.6o %-14.14e %5P %5D %.25s"
> VRes:        196
> # date
> Thu Jan 25 10:49:37 MET 2001
> # sendfax -n -d 019XXXXXX iva.ss
> request id is 188 (group id 188) for host localhost (1 file)
> # grep -i killtime /var/spool/fax/sendq/q188
> killtime:980675321
> # perl -e 'print scalar(localtime(980675321))'
> Sun Jan 28 10:48:41 2001  (this is about 3 days, 72 hours, from now)
> Now I cannot test if HylaFAX does what it says in the doneq file, but I
> remember it worked for me in the past.

There is no hyla.conf on my system but a sendfax.conf and hfaxd.conf 
sendfax.conf says
TypeRules:      /usr/lib/fax/typerules
KillTime "now + 72 hours"

I can't grep killtime from sendq as there is no job for the time
beeing. But I have checked it the other day, the difference between
the two time values remained 3 hours (that was prior to my changing of
source code).  Now the diff shows about 259200 sec.

I now read config.h again aund found:

#define	FAX_SYSCONF	FAX_LIBDATA "/hyla.conf"
#define	FAX_USERCONF	"~/.hylarc"	/* per-user configuration file */

and in sendfax.c++ I found:

  readConfig(FAX_LIBDATA "/sendfax.conf");

It seems that sendfax cannot handle the expression KillTime but on the
other hand

  case 'k':		// time to kill job

is set correctly when  envoked.

I therefore would recommand to add to the HowTo a line saying that the
administrator should create in LIBDIR a file hyla.conf in order to
edit individual systemwide configuration.


Dieter Kluenter   | Systemberatung
BFI Rendering und Image Processing
Tel: 040.64861967 | Fax: 040.64891521

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