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Re: [hylafax-users] R: R: R: a log grow up until 240 megabyte!!!

Francesco Collini schrieb:
> oh God!
> I have just disintalled the previous version and installed the one in your
> link.
> Now i can't disinstall and i don't found from the startup services;
> with the command rpm -e hylafax
> it returns:
> error reading information the service hyklafax!
> I can i disinstall it and then reinstall?
> Help me, please!
> Bye
> Francesco
you uninstalled the old version, or you tried to uninstall it ??

if the old version is still on try:

rpm -e --force hylafax or rpm -e --nodeps hylafax

if that does not work:

man rpm

to install use: rpm -ihv hylafax

but I do not exactly know what you intend to do ??

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