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Re: [hylafax-users] Fax from webpages

Here is an example that I did:

on this page <http://blackdog.bellevue.wa.us/TPC/index.php>
you can see if a fax number is covered 
and send the text only fax using 

The source code can be found on the tpc.int web site. I have modified it a 
little. Look for it strting here. <http://www.tpc.int/> If you can't find 
the .tar.gz of the source cgi-bin files I will send you mine.

At 05:11 AM 11/7/2000 ggms@mailbr.com.br sez:
>How can i make a web page to send fax? It's through e-mail or there is
>another way? The language that i use in the server is php3, and there
>are various servers around the States, so i need that the web page
>contact the apropriate server, so the fax is a local call.
>ps: sorry for my english... ;-)
>MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br
>Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!
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Paul Franz

PAF Consulting Engineers       |  427 - 140th Ave NE
(425)641-8202 voice            |  Bellevue, WA 98005
(801)749-8480 fax              |  <http://blackdog.bellevue.wa.us/>

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