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Re: [hylafax-users] removing jobs

On Thursday, November 02, 2000, at 11:52:00 AM, Eric Wood wrote:
> Okay, apparently root can't delete jobs from different users. This
> is going to be a hassle. Can't root cancel print jobs from different
> users?

Yes, but only on the local machine.  All of the fax* commands talk to
hfaxd, and therefore, it doesn't know where they're calling from.

There *is* a way around this, with the userfile, but I've never needed
to implement it, so I don't remember how you do it.

su apache -c "faxrm $1" would probably work, in the specific case.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     
The Suncoast Freenet
Tampa Bay, Florida     http://baylink.pitas.com                +1 727 804 5015

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