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Re: [hylafax-users] Receive Fax problems

>>>>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, "Jay" == Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

  Jay> I expect it would be the -progs that goes with the above - and -devel
  Jay> packages; I got them as a group off of rpmfind.  I'd presume they're the
  Jay> next patch release.

Seems like rpmfind is a recurring theme here, . . . . at least in the
context that it's the source of all your problems. You just can't
mix&match bleeding-edge RPMs like this and not expect some interdependency
problems. There's some real crap out there.

  +> Here's what you should have on a RedHat-6.2 box:  Good luck.

  Jay> Why, *thanks*, Darren.

Oh, my *pleasure*.


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