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[hylafax-users] General Questions about Hylafax

Hi, everyone,

I am given an assignment to automate the fax sending processing. This is a 
completely new area to me. My understanding of how fax works is very vague 
and I have some general questions regarding Hylafax. I would appreciate it 
very much if you can share your knowledge and experiences.

Our platform is NT and our language of choice is Java. The general idea we 
have is to let the Java code grab the faxes and send them off. Suppose we 
install Hylafax server program on a Linux box, my first question is what's 
the purpose of a client program? Does it grab files from a directory or 
something and send them to the fax server? If my understanding is correct, 
then we don't even need to write any code, is that correct?

Also, what are some decent client programs for NT platform?


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