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[hylafax-users] fatal error upgrading to latest hylafax

I just upgraded to hylafax-4.1beta2-5rh6
I also upgraded libtiff.

Now when I want to sendfax a test file I get this error:

/usr/sbin/textfmt: No font metric information found for "Courier-Bold".
Usage: /usr/sbin/textfmt [-1] [-2] [-B] [-c] [-D] [-f fontname] [-F
fontdir(s)] [-m N] [-o #] [-p #] [-r] [-U] [-Ml=#,r=#,t=#,b=#] [-V #]
files... >out.ps
Default options: -f Courier -1 -p 11bp -o 0
Error converting data; command was "/usr/sbin/textfmt -B -f
Courier-Bold       -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s default >/tmp//sndfaxIUUego

What should I do ?

 - frankie -

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