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[hylafax-users] Re: OutGoing Faxes Vanishing.

> Ok, for the most part hylafax is doing what I want it to do.  However,
> only 56 out of 79 faxes were sent out last night, the remaining 23 had
> only been tried 3 out of 12 times, still had a status code of W and then
> disappeared out of any of the queues.
maybe a KILLTIME to short?
should be documented in man sendfax: increase killtime

> I thought that faxcleanq (or faxqclean, or whatever it is) only cleaned
> out the 'doneq'.    But apparently it also cleared out the sendq as
> well.  Is there anything I can do about this.  It would be nice if ALL
i do not think so.
the jobs failed for some reason and where therefor removed from the queue.
Search the logs for the reason, maybe you have to adapt the log level.

> of my faxes were able to go out.   Some of the faxes were identical in
> content going to the same fax # as previous faxes but to a different
> person.  (I don't know why these clients insist on this, but they do.)
> These faxes had a status of 'blocked by another job' in the error code
> even after the job in question was flushed out of the queue.
if another faxjob has a higher priority than the "blocked" one it will be
served before the blocked one (i guess). see the manuals / code(?) how
hylafax handles priority changes.

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> Michael E. Wray                 WEB: http://www.micahtek.com
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