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[hylafax-users] Re: Help!!!

Some more information may be useful, like your version of HylaFAX, your
linux distro, and your libtiff version.

If you're not using 4.1beta2-5 (thanks, Darren) or a libtiff-3.5 patched
4.1beta2 source, then you cannot use libtiff-3.5 and must "downgrade" to

What does faxstat return?

I don't understand if the problem is with HylaFAX not picking up the
ringing incoming fax or if it's not receiving the fax from your client for
faxing out.

If it's the first, and if there aren't conflicts in the above things, then
I'd suggest looking at the /etc/inittab and verifying that you did include
a mo:23456:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttySx' line.

If it's the second, then try doing a simple fax of an ASCII file from a
telnet session using sendfax.  If that works, then you should be looking
into configuration problems with your client program.  If it doesn't work,
then something is definitely not right, and you should provide some logs
for examination.

Lee Howard

At 03:36 PM 6/29/00 +0800, Kathleen Lee wrote:
>I'm still a newbie so I need help!!!
>why is it that the fax machine is not receiving the fax message i'm
>sending? I saw the faq regarding the problem but i can't find

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