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[hylafax-users] desperate, please help

For the past week I've been trying to set up a linux outbound-only fax
server. I've tried 3 differant modems, in class 1 and 2.0 modems, and
have had problems with them all. I'm pretty much stumped at this
point, and am wondering if there are any modems that actually work
with the latest beta.

I'm using Slackware 7.0, and hylafax-4.1beta2. Is there any modem
available for purchase that I can:

 ./configure [accept all defaults]
 make install
 faxsetup [accept all defaults]
 faxaddmodem [accept all defaults]
 hylafax start

and have a working outbound fax server? No patches, no messing with
flowcontrol, no 'Waiting for modem to reset' everytime after it dials
out. No having to kill faxq and restart it 20 times, then powertoggle
the modem before it starts to send the 10 test faxes in the queue...

I've tried searching the list archives, but it seems for every
posititive post on a certain modem, theres another post saying
such-and-such a patch needs applying, or you need to update the
fireware, or that person isn't able to get that modem to work.

Is there any hope for fax-clueless people like me? Price is of little
concern at this point, when I consider all the time I've wasted

Are there plans to release a new version of hylafax anytime soon, so
all these patches aren't needed? It's been 22 months since the last
stable release, which doesn't even compile on current Linux systems
anymore. On my first attempt to set a fax server, I used the
mgetty+sendfax system, cause just by looking at the hylafax page, it
looks like development is halted. The only clue otherwise is the
current mailing list activity. Even the latest beta is 10 months old,
which isn't mentioned anywhere on the page, I only happened to see the
extra directory on the FTP site.


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