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The ODBC-Driver you need depends on the database-system you want connect to with WHFC for the addressbook function.
If you don't have a DB to involve you don't need a ODBC-Driver. WHFC has a built-in adressbook function wich works also and writes the data to a simple file.
If you use a DB-System like MS SQL Server, or Sybase or MS Access.... the ODBC are delivered with this software-packages. Maybe you have a MySQL on a LINUX-Box. Then you can obtain the ODBC-Drivers also from the MySQL-Website.
I hope this will help you.
softline intra, Ellenberger & Bleisch, Zentrum Oberwis, CH-8472 Seuzach
Tel. +41 52 320 04 60 / Fax. +41 52 320 04 69
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ruari Jansen [SMTP:ruari@iceberg.co.za]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 13. Juni 2000 18:53
An: hylafax-users@hylafax.org
Betreff: [hylafax-users] download odbc
hi guys
dose anybody have a link for me to download just the odbc drivers necessary
to install whfc. I have looked on downloads at microsoft.com but I cant
find just the odbc drivers I have to download all this other stuff.
Im still very much a newbie to this ..and have undertaken seting up a linux
based fax server as a project for my firm, but Im still feeling my way
around. If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Ruari Jansen
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