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modem gets recognized + configuredb ut refuses to dial


I am using HylaFAX v4pl2 on two redhat systems.
System 1 is rh-6.0, system 2 rh-6.2, the hylafx rpm is identical, the attached
modems are identical (Creatix ,recognized as Rockwell). On system 1 hylafax ran
out of the box, on system 2 the  modem refuses to dial, but the job gets
submitted and the faxq process hangs.
faxstat says: 
Hylafax scheduler on server :Running
Modem sttySX (....):Waiting for modem to becom free.

Any help would be appreciated!

(Please answer directly too, because I am not  shure If I appear already on the
mailing list - I subcribed 5 minutes ago)

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