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sed error in HylaFAX mkdepend.in ?

Hi.  I've noticed a few messages to the HylaFAX mailing list that seem to
be the same problem that I've been having.  I'm using a RedHat 6.1 system
and the messages regard a Solaris, though.  I've tried applying the sed
script patches that have been posted, but they don't help the problem at
all (so maybe our problems weren't the same).

I'm hoping that you could help me with the make errors that I'm getting as
shown below (I ran it --quiet for bandwidth).  I get these "/bin/bash
../port/mkdepend" errors after a successful (no errors) ./configure script.
 Interestingly if after getting these errors I re-run make (after make
clean), the errors do not appear.

Any help or insight you could provide me would be greatly appreciated.


Lee Howard

[root@goomba hylafax-4.1beta2]# ./configure --quiet
[root@goomba hylafax-4.1beta2]# make --quiet
= regex
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -c /usr/bin/gcc
CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex -I.././regex -I.././util -I/usr/include -g -O
-c -M
 -i Makedepend regexec.c regcomp.c regfree.c regerror.c
= util
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -I.. -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex
-I.././util -
I.././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend Array.c++
BoolArray.c++ Dic
tionary.c++ Obj.c++ PageSize.c++ RegEx.c++ RegExArray.c++ RegExDict.c++
fer.c++ Str.c++ StrArray.c++ StrDict.c++ Dispatcher.c++ IOHandler.c++
Sys.c++ Sy
slog.c++ Timeout.c++ Fatal.c++ AtSyntax.c++ DialRules.c++ FmtTime.c++
c++ FaxDB.c++ TextFmt.c++ Class2Params.c++ FaxClient.c++ FaxConfig.c++
fo.c++ FaxSendInfo.c++ JobExt.c++ ModemExt.c++ SendFaxJob.c++
TypeRules.c++ Transport.c++ InetTransport.c++ UnixTransport.c++
SNPPClient.c++ S
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -c /usr/bin/gcc
CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex -I.././util -I.././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M
-i Makedepend cvtfacility.c fxassert.c
= faxalter
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex
-I.././faxalter -I
.././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend faxalter.c++
= faxcover
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex
-I.././faxcover -I
.././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend faxcover.c++
= faxd
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex -I.././faxd
/util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend ClassModem.c++ FaxModem.c++
s0.c++ Class1.c++ Class1Poll.c++ Class1Recv.c++ Class1Send.c++ Class2.c++
0.c++ Class2Ersatz.c++ Class2Poll.c++ Class2Recv.c++ Class2Send.c++
c++ DestControl.c++ DestInfo.c++ FaxAcctInfo.c++ FaxFont.c++
FaxMachineLog.c++ FaxPoll.c++ FaxRecv.c++ FaxRequest.c++ FaxSend.c++
c++ ModemServer.c++ FaxServer.c++ G3Decoder.c++ G3Encoder.c++ Getty.c++
V.c++ HDLCFrame.c++ Job.c++ Modem.c++ ModemConfig.c++ PCFFont.c++ QLink.c++
erConfig.c++ TagLine.c++ Trigger.c++ TriggerRef.c++ UUCPLock.c++ faxApp.c++
ettyApp.c++ faxQueueApp.c++ faxRequest.c++ faxSendApp.c++ tagtest.c++
+ pageSendApp.c++
= faxmail
= faxrmsh ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex -I.././faxrm
./util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend faxrm.c++
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -DOLDPROTO_SUPPORT=1 -DSNPP_SUPPORT=1 -I.././faxd
-D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex -I.././hfaxd -I.././util
-I/usr/include -g
-O -c -M  -i Makedepend Admin.c++ FIFO.c++ FileCache.c++ FileSystem.c++
sfer.c++ HylaFAXServer.c++ Jobs.c++ Login.c++ Parser.c++ RecvQueue.c++
+ Trigger.c++ User.c++ SuperServer.c++ InetFaxServer.c++ OldProtocol.c++
ver.c++ UnixFaxServer.c++ main.c++
= sendfax
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex
-I.././sendfax -I.
././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend sendfax.c++
= sendpage
/bin/bash ../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -s C++ -e
's@\.c++\.o *:
@\.o: @' -c /usr/bin/g++ -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I.. -I.././regex
-I.././sendpage -I
.././util -I/usr/include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend sendpage.c++
= config
= etc
= man
= html
= tools
/bin/bash ../../port/mkdepend   -e 's@ /usr/include/@ /@' -c /usr/bin/gcc
SI_CPP__ -I. -I../.. -I../.././regex -I../.././html/tools -I../.././util
include -g -O -c -M  -i Makedepend man2html.c unquote.c
= pkg
[root@goomba hylafax-4.1beta2]#

re-running make (after make clean):

[root@goomba hylafax-4.1beta2]# make --quiet
= regex
= util
ln: libfaxutil.so: File exists
make[3]: *** [libfaxutil.so] Error 1
make[2]: *** [default] Error 2
= faxalter
= faxcover
= faxd
ln: libfaxserver.so: File exists
make[3]: *** [libfaxserver.so] Error 1
make[2]: *** [default] Error 2
= faxmail
= faxrm
= faxstat
= hfaxd
= sendfax
= sendpage
= config
= etc
= man
= html
= tools
= pkg
[root@goomba hylafax-4.1beta2]#

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