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Re: Cannot remove fax

Toan wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone please help.  I'm having problem with the faxrm.
> When I do faxstat -s, I get the following:
> JID  Pri S  Owner Number       Pages Dials     TTS Status
> 86   116 S  pmweb 73846901      0:2  11:12   15:33 No local dialtone
> 87   127 B  pmweb 73846901      0:0   0:12         Blocked by concurrent
> job
> 88   127 B  pmweb 73846901      0:0   0:12         Blocked by concurrent
> job
> 89   127 B  pmweb 73846901      0:0   0:12         Blocked by concurrent
> job
> Log in as pmweb, and run faxrm jobid, I get the following message:
> [pmweb@toan /home]$ faxrm 86
> 86: no such job found.


have you checked if the job was already present after the faxrm and
is the faxrm the Remove command from HylaFAX (AFAIK there are
other fax programms wich uses the same command) ?


Ulrich Eckhardt                         Tr@nscom  
http://www.uli-eckhardt.de              http://www.transcom.de
                                        Lagerstraße 11-15 A8
                                        64807 Dieburg Germany

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