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Design for a portable Java hylafax clients: i want your opinions, please!

Hello to all hylafax users.

I am currently developing a java hylfax client, there are some topics i
am thinking about, maybe you can give me your opinions:

1. is java 2 widely availabe on your (client) platforms?
   or is it supposed to become availbe in the near future?

2. What is your prefered procedure for sending a fax?

   a1. redmon: capture the printout of an application on the client side
       and let the hylafax client process it: e.g. ask user for fax.nr.
       and the hand it to the hylafax server directly.

       advantage: faster than a2
       disadvantage: - firewall must be opened for ports use by hfaxd
                     - if you want access for remote users you must open
hfaxd ports
                       to the public.

   a2: same as a1, but client will send an eMail to some dedicated process
       the server

       advantage: - no firewall problem if eMail is allowed
                  - remote users can send faxes as if they where at the
       disadvantage: slower than a1

   b. printfax/repsond: capture the printout on the server side, make a
      to the client to get fax.nr. etc.

      advantage: protocoll between client server can be easily adopted by
      disadvantage: - another port must be opened for client server

Currently it is usual that a client transfers a PS file to the server for
Receiving faxes are stored in TIFF.
-> viewers for 2 different formats are needed on the client.

Does anybody know a free printer driver which can produce TIFF files from
the printout
of an application?
Can hylafax convert an arbitrary TIFF file to a TIFF file suitable for fax

TIA for you opinions!


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