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Re: CVS/FTP unavailable?

In message <20000414165434.G4968@mtg.co.at>, Andreas Kostyrka writes:
>I've tried to access ftp.hylafax.org via FTP and got:
>[andreas@speedy andreas]$ ftp ftp.hylafax.org
>ftp: connect: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
>(The german text means Connection refused)
>The same happens when I try to access CVS:
>[andreas@speedy andreas]$ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@cvs.hylafax.org:/cvsroot login
>(Logging in to cvs@cvs.hylafax.org)
>CVS password: 
>cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.hylafax.org:2401 failed: Verbindungsaufbau
> abgelehnt

The machine is offline. I have a ticket in with the ISP where it's colocated, 
and am awaiting their assessment of the situation.

I will post an update when I know more.


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