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Re: Converting to jpg

David Woolley <david@djwhome.demon.co.uk> writes:

> > i have the problem to need the incoming faxes converted to jpg or any
> > other format, which allows direct view of the faxes vie "normal"
> > webbrowser.
> "normal" browsers generally run on Windows 98 or NT.  Wang/Kodak/
> Eastman Imaging is supplied bundled with these or as a free add on, 
> so all you need it the right file associations.  W/K/E Imaging can 
> handle multipage faxes, and can scale the images and rotate them,
> things that "normal" browsers can't do.

Alas, Wang Imaging fails to decode many (but not all) 2-D MR TIFF files
written by Hylafax (reports "The compression format in the specified file
name is invalid or not supported").

Hope to hear from you soon,

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