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Hello, (sent both to Christoph and HylaFax thread)
	Christoph wrote:
> i, 
> AFAIK the problem with stty arises if you have an old stty, 
> and a new kernel (don't remember the versions), cause the interface
> to the serial devices changed a little, so stty has problems.
> Getting the sources for stty and recompiling should fix this,
> or get a newer stty for your system.
> Christoph
	George writes:
	If your talking about the message "/bin/stty: standard input: unable to
perform all requested operations" , well I'm getting that too.  And I
have a new Linksys 10/100 +56 K PCMCIA with SuSE 6.2, which means new

I show part of the results from probemodem below.  I wish I new what the
heck was going on.


Done verifying system setup.
bash-2.03# probemodem
Serial port that modem is connected to []? ttyS1
Hmm, there does not appear to be an fuser command on your machine.
This means that I am unable to insure that all processes using the
modem have been killed.  I will keep going, but beware that you may
have competition for the modem.

Now we are going to probe the tty port.  This takes a few seconds,
so be patient.  Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to
the port, or the modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and
cable up the modem or turn it on, or whatever).

Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.
/bin/stty: standard input: unable to perform all requested operations
[1]+  Terminated              ( trap 0 1 2 15; while true; do
    sleep 10; echo ""; echo "Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your
modem e
done )

Christoph wrote:
AFAIK the problem with stty arises if you have an old stty, 
and a new kernel (don't remember the versions), cause the interface
to the serial devices changed a little, so stty has problems.
Getting the sources for stty and recompiling should fix this,
or get a newer stty for your system.

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