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Success report with elsa microlink 56k


this note to report a success installation of the last hylafax version on a
linux box with four elsa microlink 56k. The configuration file I've used is
those found in the elsa web site (not v250 command set).
This system is up and running from mid August and it receives about 500 (five
houndred) faxes a day. It seems very stable. It don't send faxes but I have
another system with only one modem that sends (less) faxes too with the same modem model.

My first try for the modems to use was us robotics faxmodem because I've had
some of them in our store. But I never got them function properly.

This post to say: if you want a good modem (and cheap) go with the elsa microlink 56k.

Of course, I have no relation with elsa :).

I hope this note can help someone chosing the right modem.

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Trade & Service s.r.l., Italy

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