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Permission denied on hosts-file


I've installed HylaFAX v4.0pl2 (came with SuSE 6.1) on my faxserver to be, 
and I'm trying to connect to it with WHFC.
Every time I try to connect, I get user "user" access denied, and, on the
server, the kernel messages show: hfaxd [xxx] cannot open file:
/etc/hosts: permission denied.
The /var/spool/fax/etc/hosts file has permissions set to 600, user is fax,
group is uucp.
hfaxd is user root and is run as user uucp.

Furthermore, if I try to telnet to hylafax on port 4559, I get the '220
Hi, I'm hylafax'-message (not literally ;) but can't enter commands.
And: after startup faxq reports a missing ':' in the modem-class specifier
or something. I can't fin the problem there either.

Kernel 2.2.10/IBM-486SX/SuSe Linux 6.1/Dynalink 33k6

Can anyone plz help me?

Yuri van Oers

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