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Re: How to send faxes from mail-client (mail to fax)...like Outlook, Eudora,...

At 23:19 17/06/99 +0200, "Stefan Grenda" wrote:
>Now I want to send faxes from mail-client... and it would perfect if it will
>work this way..
>The "fax" is written as an email in an email-client (for eg. Outlook,
>Eudora, Netscape,....)
>The Faxnumber should be entered like and email ( peter.pan@123456789)
>"123456789" should be the number that is dialled by the faxserver. The Body
>of the email should be the text of the fax.

HylaFAX can already do this; have a look at the faxmail man page. The format
of the email to fax address is in the form of peter.pan@123456.FAX.

You will need to change your sendmail configuration file.
A search of the mailing list archives with 'MAILER(fax)' or perhaps
'sendmail.cf' should result in oodles of info on how to do this properly.

In particular, see my emails of the 27-Feb-98 and 24-Sep-98 to explain how
the method changed for sendmail versions 8.8.7 and onwards.

Unfortunately the html documentation ( faxgateway.php ) is hopelessly out
of date. If you are going to spend some time with this, is it possible you
could submit back to this list a step-by-step guide (as detailed as you like)
of what you did to get it working?  It could then become the basis for a 
new html page for inclusion in the next release (whenever that will be).

To anticipate your next question, here is my current faxmail configuration:

#  /usr/local/lib/fax/faxmail.conf
AutoCoverPage:   No
PageMargins:     l=1.25in,t=2.00in
TextPointSize:   11

#  /usr/local/lib/fax/hyla.conf
GaudyHeaders:   No
PageHeaders:    Yes
TextFont:       Bookman-DemiItalic

Hope this helps.

Phil Watkinson,
Boston, UK.

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