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re: WHFC

>Have you checked under System Prefs in WHFC for the Valid Dialstring
>--On Thursday, January 21, 1999, 03:40 +0000 TheBong Pipe
><thevelvet@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Has someone managed to link the whfc client to an odbc phone
>> Mine reads well , but cannot save anything. It gives a strange error,
>> something like "Not valid brackets".

Well, I have to be more clear. I access the phonebook, where I can read
the names and their address. No problems about sending faxes by
selecting the names. Hylafax replies, all goes wonderful. But if I try
to modify an Entry, or add a new one I get a message (in my language
wich is differnet from english) stating - Not valid brackets for "John
Doe" If John Doe is the entry.I think the problem involves the dialog
between WHFC and the ODBC. If someone can save the names, could he
please tell me what kind of database does he use? I tried with Excel,
Access, Dbase, but the errors is always the same...

Thanx alot

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