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Re: SysV configuration patch

In message <Pine.GAS.4.05.9811171936070.26590-100000@trr.metro.NET>, Tim Rice w
>That should work for existing SysV machines and for Linux.
>While we are addressing the SysV init scripts, I've allways had a problem
>	/etc/init.d/hylafax
>	/etc/rc0.d/K80fax 
>	/etc/rc2.d/S80fax
>I would much prefer
>	/etc/init.d/hylafax
>	/etc/rc0.d/K80hylafax 
>	/etc/rc2.d/S80hylafax
>Anyone have objections to this one?

The linux RPM sets up:

[tpcadmin@hewes rc.d]$ pwd
[tpcadmin@hewes rc.d]$ find . -name "*hylafax"


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