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Re: Hylafax and Word with telephonnumbers?

[ Re-wrapped to standards ]
> > a directory. The telephone number is detected from there automatically
> > by the current software. The telephone number is on the Word document
> > with a certain contraction.

> to HylaFAX. The user will still have to add the phone number and
> delivery information by hand, but this can be put in a reasonably
> useful phone book for automation purposes the next timer around.

If the documents are sufficiently stereotyped you may be able to 
recognize the context in the Postscript that surrounds the numbers.
The numbers are likely to have extraneous characters embedded, as
Microsoft tends to insist on doing fine positioning of characters,
rather than modifying the average spacing.

You could also use the the postscript to plain text utility from
ghostscript, although it can be confused by the same microspacing.

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