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Re: Problems With 4.0p2 and ROCKWELL RC32ACL/V1.410-AS29 (Class 2) [LINUX]

> sep 09 21:13:05.77: [  397]: --> [3:FAX]
> sep 09 21:13:11.58: [  397]: --> [5:+FCON]

Rockwell's documentation says that the modem should send an optional +FTSI
and a required +FDCS before Hylafax sends anything more, so it ends in a
timeout.  Possible modem control cable or modem setup problem, otherwise just
a broken modem.

> sep 09 21:13:11.58: [  397]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION
> sep 09 21:13:11.58: [  397]: RECV FAX: begin
> sep 09 21:16:11.62: [  397]: REMOTE HANGUP: Unspecified Receive Phase B error (code 70)

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