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Re: Timeout problems (still no answer)

In message <199808061111.EAA00121@sgi.sgi.com>, "Stan Brown" writes:
>	I am submiting jbs from another machine as:
>	/opt/hylafax/bin/sendfax  -D -c "\"$COMMENTS\"" \
>	-r "\"$REGARDING\"" \
>	-x "\"$TO_COMPANY\"" -y
>	/tmp/scan$$/*
>	Thes jobs time out in a few hours *less than 12). I don;t understand
>	why, or how to fix it.
>	Can anyone give me some advice here?

As I believe I recommended in private e-mail, I would suggest making use of sendfax's -k (killtime) option.

Try adding  

	-k "now +48 hours" 

somewhere near the beginning of your sendfax invocation.


Mr. Arlington Hewes           (tpcadmin@info.tpc.int)
The TPC.INT Subdomain          (http://www.tpc.int/)

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