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Sendpage FAQ candidate

     I am primarily interested in HylaFAX for its text paging capabilities 
     and recently had the singular experience of tearing my hair out making 
     it work with a SkyTel SkyWord pager.  I submit the following 
     information For the Good of the Order:
     If you want to send a page in the USA via SkyTel, you need to be aware 
     that not all SkyTel modem numbers implement the IXO/TAP protocol 
     If you see a trace that looks something like this:
     Mar 18 11:21:07.31: [14483]: DIAL 9,18007599673
     Mar 18 11:21:07.31: [14483]: <-- [18:ATDT9,18007599673\r] Mar 18 
     11:21:29.03: [14483]: --> [13:CONNECT 38400]
     Mar 18 11:21:29.03: [14483]: EXPECT ID (paging central identification) 
     Mar 18 11:21:29.49: [14483]: RECV: SKYTEL REMOTE TERMINAL        
     Mar 18 11:21:29.85: [14483]: RECV: PAGER ID: 
     Mar 18 11:21:30.21: [14483]: RECV: PAGER ID: 
     Mar 18 11:21:30.57: [14483]: RECV: PAGER ID: 
     Mar 18 11:21:30.93: [14483]: RECV: PAGER ID: 
     You may be dialing the wrong number.  The protocol expects ID= at 
     which point the PIN is submitted and the page proceeds.
     I got this error when I dialed 1-800-759-9673.  This number apparently 
     implements a different protocol.  When I raised the issue with SkyTel 
     customer support, they gave me a different number:
     This information is obviously of use only for North American numbers.  
     I hereby move a collection be taken of valid text pager carrier 
     numbers correctly implementing the IXO/TAP protocol.
     If this information is already available elsewhere, a pointer to it in 
     the FAQ would be a Useful Thing.

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